“Gruppa “Prodovolstvie” hassupplied 300 mt of raw buckwheat to Lithuania.

One of the largest supplier  in Altai region, “Gruppa “Prodovolstvie”, rumps up export potential of agricultural commodities to foreign countries.In the end of December, 2022 the company conclude a contract for supply of Altai raw buckwheat to new partner  from Lithuania.The volume of pilot batch was 350 mt. Altai grain absolutely meets the requirements of the importing country. The grain is packed into big bags and shipped by railway.

“Gruppa “Prodovolstvie”, LLC http://prodgrup.ru/- the largest supplier of food products and agricultural products. The company develops main areas of focus – supply of groats, flour, sugar, grains. It owns two cereal-handling elevators in Altai and Karsnoyarskiy regions. It is one of the largest lentil producer and toller in Altai region. “Gruppa “Prodovolstvie” develops logistic area of focus. The company successfully expands the geographical spread in Russian market and abroad.

Category: Company's news