The first batch of Flaxseeds Altai origin arrived to the edible oil factories in China.

The Chinese partners held a special event dedicated to the arrival of the first batch of imported flaxseeds at their new plant.

“Gruppa “Prodovolstvie”  shipped the first train with flax seeds  to China from the Altai region in December, 2022. That was a multimodal delivery – 1582 tons in 62 containers were delivered by rail to the Vostochny port, Vladivostok. Then the containers were reloaded to a ship and shipped by sea to Xingang Port, China. The Chinese partners were completely satisfied with the quality of received goods and delivery period.

Nowadays “Gruppa “Prodovolstvie”  is preparing delivery of 3,000 tons of flaxseeds to China. Another train will also be shipmped through Vladivostok port, the rest of the goods is contracted to be delivered by railway through Zabaikalsk.

The specialists of “Gruppa “Prodovolstvie” say that Chinese partners enquire for 20 000 tons of flaxseeds. By the end of the season (July 2023), “Gruppa “Prodovolstvie”   is going to meet e Chinese partners demands in supply of high-quality Altai flaxseeds.

Export of flaxseeds to China is one of the most promising area. Flaxseeds are extremely top requested commodity in the food, pharmaceutical, and chemical industries in China. China provides oneself just by half with local flaxseeds. Russia is one of the three world flaxseeds exporters. Competitive advantages for Siberian companies are provided by the proximity of the Chinese market. “Gruppa “Prodovolstvie” is developing new logistics routes for supply of agricultural products to Chinese partners.

“Gruppa “Prodovolstvie” specializes in supply of agricultural products to Russian and foreign markets, exports agricultural products (cereals, flour, sugar, grain) to 25 countries: the UAE, Azerbaijan, Libya, Mongolia, Iran, Iraq, Turkey, Czech Republic, Poland, Lithuania, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Jordan , Lebanon, China.

Category: Company's news