“Gruppa “Prodovolstvie” has shipped the first lot of oat flakes Hercules to Serbia.

The first lot of oat flakes Hercules was shipped to Serbia from Altai region in December, 2022. “Gruppa “Prodovolstvie” signed the contract for supply of oat flakes, produced in Altai region. The volume of pilot batch was 67 mt.

Before shipping,the product was tested for meetingphytosanitaryrequirements of the importing country, the laboratory analysis were taken.

“It’s the first supply of oat flakes to Serbia, although we have cooperated with the Serbian partners before. Since 2020 we supply them with green and red lentils. Serbia is situated in the Balkans and has no sea ports. The specialists of “Gruppa “Prodovolstvie” have arranged multimodal delivery of the commodities, using different types of vehicals from the place of dispatch to the point of destination. The cargo was delivered by railway from Altai region plants to Belorussia, there it was reloaded and delivered to Serbia by trucks”,- the head of the Foreign trade department of “Gruppa “Prodovolstvie”, Anton Chernetskiy said.

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